Cat lovers… No trip to Liverpool is complete without a trip to the Cat Cafe!
Found at 10 Bold Street in Liverpool city centre, the Cat Cafe is situated over 3 floors and includes a little gift shop. At the time of writing, it costs £15 per person per hour or £1.25 per 5 minutes, and you are billed to the nearest 5 minutes on exit. Hot and cold drinks are free and unlimited, with food such as paninis and scones available for a fee. We were there for an hour and 20 minutes, but we could have stopped so much longer!

The building has disabled access and toilet facilities, but disabled access is restricted to the ground floor. The cats seem to be very intuitive. When we arrived an electric wheelchair user was there and five of the cats had decided that the best place to be was on the tables in front of them. It’s not often you get attention from that many cats at once.

We made our way up to the first floor and settled in some chairs with our drinks. You can grab your drinks from a dedicated area on each floor, but staff members are nearby if you need to order food, and to keep an eye on the cats.

This was not my first visit, it was probably my fourth or fifth. I can’t visit Liverpool without coming to see the cats! Yes, I have two cats at home, but there’s just something calming about spending time with friends, surrounded by cats. With my friend stressing about an upcoming operation, I thought this was the perfect time for a visit. It certainly had a calming effect on me and I think it did us both good.

One cat joined us at our seats and sat on a post by my friend for most of our visit. She didn’t join in with the conversation but listened intently.

Some cats just wanted to sleep, others wanted to play. There are plenty of toys available to interact with the cats. Two of the cats were very playful and were chasing each other for a while… I think it started with a toy mouse!
Cat lovers tend to be very friendly people. We talked to a few of the other visitors and staff members, discussing our cats (past and present) and other cat cafes.

Once again, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit and both picked up a little gift for ourselves from the gift shop on the way out. If you’re ever in Liverpool, I would definitely recommend dropping in!

Check out a previous visit to the Cat Cafe, Liverpool.
I would love to visit a cat cafe. You’ve shared some real beauties here and I’m surprised how many of them are long-haired. Most of the cats I know in real life are short-haired. I am absolutely taken by that one with the leopard like pattern!
There’s a Pug Cafe in Manchester we’re planning on visiting sometime. I know you’d love that one!
Those cats are living the good life and entertaining humans in the process. A unique visit I would imagine.
It certainly is!
I’m not really a fan, Nikki, but there are some striking looking cats there.
What a fabulous cafe where the cats live a very nice and peaceful life.
Beautiful cats, one and all! Los Angeles apparently has a few cat cafes, although I can’t say I’ve ever visited one. Some facilitate adoptions, something I wish I’d remembered when I was looking for one to adopt after I lost my 17 year old cat back in June. Instead I adopted one from a local shelter, where you don’t know much about what you’re getting. My adoptee, Meeko, has some behavioral issues but we’re working on them.
Good luck with the behavioural issues. My Sugar came with some issues (mostly due to stress in her previous home), but we’ve worked through them and she’s very much a happy cat.
…not the place if you are allergic to cats!
Wow~ stunning kitties and great photos ~ thanks,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBig Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you!
I think a cat cafe is a wonderful idea. I’d love to visit one.
OMG. What an experience that would be! Kinda like a living Cat Museum. I wonder if they have people there 24 hours per day, just to keep them company???
Apparently there is a staff member on duty at night to clean & maintain the cafe, as well as giving the cats some attention.
If only I didn’t live so very far from Liverpool. Do you know of any in the Bristol or Bath areas, by any chance, Nikki? Thank you for sharing this gorgeous post
I’ve heard there is a cat pub in Bristol called The Bag of Nails! I’m long overdue a trip to Bristol & Bath, so I’m going to have to check it out sometime.
I believe there’s a cat cafe in Leeds but I’ve never been. There’s some beautiful cats in your photos.
I haven’t been to the Cat Cafe in Liverpool for some time now. I don’t recognize all the cats, so I should visit them again.
Have you seen my post on the Cat Cafe in Lviv, Ukraine? I shared the link in the website tab of the comment. I’ve made an update today with a picture taken last week. I think you would love to visit that place.
Yes, there’s definitely been a change of cats since my last visit. I’ve popped a comment on your Cat Cafe in Lviv post. A glass of wine surrounded by cats sounds great.
It is the first time that I heard about such a place and now I see there are more. I am not a cat person, although I do cat-sit for the “rag doll” cat “Finn” for our best friends every time they go on vacation, it is even so that they don’t go if I am NOT the sitter. I do have a special connection with Finn and maybe two other cats, but not enough to have my food shared with those beautiful cats. Man alive, they are wonderful, but then I like to keep them at least 3 feet away from me. Great photography again and you made this place proud 🙂
Have a wonderful day.
Thank you!
What gorgeous cats!
So exotic!
I can’t blame you for including a visit to the cat café every time you’re in Liverpool! We do have a cat café near my office but the concept seems to be a bit different, with the cats being up for adoption. My friend adopted her cat from there. xxx
A new cat cafe has opened not too far from us but we haven’t been. I think I’d want to bring a cat home!
Yes, we both commented on smuggling cats out of the cafe to bring home! 😀
I never knew there was such a thing! I love Cats and often visit Liverpool, I might just have to seek that out. I love your photos the cats are gorgeous, maybe it is just me but some of theml look cross? or maybe that is how cats look and seeing so many photos all together just makes it more obvious?
I think a lot of cats have a resting grumpy face, although a couple of the cats had been play fighting so it may well be they were annoyed with each other.
My idea of heaven! A perfect (purrfect?) reason alone to visit Liverpool. I like their pricing structure.
Mine too!
I would love to have coffee here. Kitties are so fun to love on.
Have a fabulous day and week. ♥
Spending time with them is so relaxing. The kitties here are lovely! I can easily see why you go back.
Some beautiful cats! We have a rescue that we are pretty sure is a Russian Blue. She’s a real sweetheart!
It isn’t my kind of thing but I love the photos you have taken and that you enjoy your experience there.
I do like cats and dogs, the latter I have a lot of enjoyment with when I volunteer at Attingham Park.
It’s been a while since I’ve been to Attingham Park. Dad used to volunteer at Powis Castle and Stokesay Castle before it became too much for him.
You took great photos of all these adorable Nikki. A great place to visit for sure. If I ever get over there, I know where I will be heading.
Thank you!
Oh I LOVE this place! I’ve never been to a cat cafe. I’m afraid I’d never leave if I visited one. I’m a cat lover trying to stay tether-free for a few more years, but oh how I miss the furrballs!
I definitely recommend visiting a cat cafe if you ever get the chance!
We have a local cat cafe. I have never thought about going but after your lovely description and the photos of the cats…. I need to check out my local cat cafe.
Thanks for sharing your outing with us.
I hope you enjoy your local cat cafe. We’ve got one which is local-ish which we’re hoping to visit soon.
Now those must be some very happy cats receiving as much attention as they want.
It looks like a wonderful place where cats and humans come alongside each other and unwind. There is one in Edinburgh too, it is based on the Japanese concept of a cat cafe. I passed by it the other day and it seemed like a homely café with many adorable resident cats. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx
So, there actually is a cat cafe’! They are all pretty and it seems like it would be fun to visit but, I’m allergic to cats! Thankfully, not dogs though!
There’s a pug cafe in Manchester!
There are some very beauiful cats there at the Liverpool cafe and all of them have bags of character. Thank you for sharing your visit, Nikki.
As the year now draws to a close I wish you a great Christmas and a very happy New Year.
Cute cats!Mine is a ginger tomcat
All I could think so is, remember not to wear black pants to that cafe 😉
It’s been too long since I’ve visited a cat cafe. I have visited ones in London, Paris and Manchester, but not yet Liverpool. Looks like you had a purrfect time. 🙂
This cats are beautiful …. I enjoy cats. I’ve only been to Liverpool once, and to think I missed this place. 🙁