With Wales still in lockdown, where else can I go but the garden? We’ve had a few overcast days and it’s been quite windy, but in general, the sun is shining.
The bluebells and tulips are just about hanging on, although the wind has given them a bit of a battering these past few days. I actually managed to capture a photo of a butterfly resting on some bluebells the other morning. The butterflies don’t usually stop for long.
Several welsh poppies have popped up around the garden. The one we had growing in a crack in the middle of the drive last year hasn’t popped up this year, probably because my car has barely moved!
Sadly, the daisy took a bashing in the wind and has been hanging with its head down this past couple of days.
It’s been good to see the bug hotel in use. A couple of bees have been buzzing about there. This morning we had to mount a little rescue mission. This little fella was wedged in the corner of the bug hotel and didn’t seem to be able to get itself out. It was there for ages, so we pulled out a couple of empty bamboo canes from the opposite side and moved the others across, meaning we could give him more room. It worked! He managed to get inside for a well-deserved rest before flying out again.
Next door’s cat, Charlie, visits on a regular basis. He tends to take a walk around the edge of the garden, before coming down to the window to look in at my two cats. Sugar chats at him, but doesn’t get much of a response!
I hope the sun is shining with you.
Hi Niiki,
More amazing pictures!
Our garden has been turned over to mostly azaleas and rhododendrons, which have been glorious this year and then continue to offer some greenery during the winter months.
We usually go up to a National Trust place called Badbury Hill at this time of year, as it is just a carpet of bluebells. Although the car park and woods have remained open, it has been pushing the length of journey to the limits during lockdown, so we decided to give it a miss. Also there are no ‘facilities’ there, which is going to be the main issue for some time to come I think!
We have a cat which lives next door to us, also called Charlie. He seems to spend more time sun bathing on our shed roof than in his own garden, although I think that is just to escape the Jack Russell dog they also own, called Freddie, which just annoys the heck out of the poor cat.
All is generally peaceful with Charlie, even though I am NOT a cat person, as he tends to ignore us completely, however things do get a little fractious when he either sharpens his claws on the felt of the shed roof, or digs in the barked flower beds to use it as a dirt box!
I love your bug hotel, as we have an awful lot of insects around the bog pond we have and in the trees in the lane behind the house. Dave has been busy this last couple of weeks taking pictures of dragonflies, as they emerge from their chrysalis and fly away! We are never normally around to see this happen, so it has been really interesting to see 🙂
Thanks for sharing and stay safe 🙂
As you discovered, there are always friends in the garden. A big butterfly flew right in front of me this morning. Beautiful post!
Terrific images! Our bee hotel is in use, as is the pile of last year’s autumn leaves that is directly below it…oops! We are adding native Michigan plants to our yard, to entice butterflies, bees, birds, bats, and more bugs! Yes, I still have a lilac (non-native), and a gazillion hosta plants (non-native), but all in good time. When our bank of milkweed plants are up, we really enjoy watching the Monarch Butterflies, but have planted some other kinds of milkweed elsewhere, for other critters. My plan is to reduce then eliminate all lawn.
Wonderful photos. I love those tulips and the bluebells. Glad you managed to give the bee a helping hand to free himself.
Hi Nikki, beautiful photos! Your garden must be the perfect haven from the madness that surrounds us right now? I had no idea that Welsh poppies were yellow, so that can be my lesson for today. Glad to read you saved the bee, it’s the sort of thing I’d do too. I never thought of creating a bug hotel before. Maybe I’ll have to look into that as bugs fascinate me!
Wow, these are amazing pictures, your photography skills are goals! We have a bug hotel too and have been loving watching all the bees going in and out. None have got stuck so far but I know what to do now if they do! 🙂
Fanastic photos. Great job helping out the bee get unstuck.
Have a wonderful day!
A great post with lovely photos, the flowers are beautiful and I like the bee on the heather 🙂
All so very pretty. The buh hotel looks like it has a few guests. Charlie is enjoying the garden.
I’ve never heard of a bug hotel. I’m not sure I want to give any of the bugs around here a place to rest….!
That butterfly is gorgeous. It almost looks like it has gold leaf on its wings. I’ve never seen anything like it here.
Beautiful photos, Nikki. I loved the one featuring the butterfly on the bluebell. Good for you on the bee rescue! I’ve thought of creating a bug hotel here too but haven’t gotten around to that project yet. Charlie looks very pleased with himself but then I guess cats usually do.
Lovely flowers at this time of year. I’ve almost given up chasing butterflies 🙂 🙂
Such amazing photos, your garden seems so pretty and vibrant. It’s nice that next door’s cat likes to hang out there too x
Really lovely! Well done on rescuing the bee.
Lovely macro shots. We’ve been having lovely weather here in the South East of England, which has made the lockdown much easier than it would have been in the wind and rain we had earlier this year.
I would not have rescued the bee! Well done.
How gorgeous! Love your bee hotel.
Thank you for sharing your garden with us. I have so enjoyed seeing what you are growing, and was fascinated by your insect house in use. I have one, but it hasn’t been “found” yet
Your flowers are beautiful!! I like the bug hotel. What a creative idea!
Poor little bee. Glad you could help.
Your photos are fantastic! The one of the bees is so beautiful. Next doors cat, Charlie, is adorable! x
Lovely pics of your garden. I think your Butterfly is an orange tipped white. Charlie looks very content. X
If I had to be locked down (and I am) I can’t think of a lovelier place to be than your garden. It’s beautiful and of course your wonderful eye and terrific camera skills show it off to the best! Hang in there. (I like Charlie!) And thanks for coming by!
Charlie is so cute. I love the bug hotel too. Your garden is beautiful. x
Really lovely photos – better results than I get with my Instamatic 🙂 We too have been spending more time in the garden – we’re lucky to be able to do that. But, alas, the recent wind has resulted in heavy casualties.
Beautiful pictures again, Nikki-ann.
We also have a bug hotel, although ours is sadly neglected by passing insects. I’m guessing we need a few more plants in our garden to lure in some wildlife.
This is such a beautiful spotlight on your gorgeous garden!
These are beautiful images.