Lockdown: In The Garden

Lockdown: In The Garden

With all the limitations that come with social distancing during this tough time, I’ve been limited as to where I can go to take photos. Thankfully, spring is now in full flow so I’ve spent quite a lot of time in the garden over the past few weeks.

Bee in the heather.

In the heather.

Another bee in the heather.

Red Tailed Bee on a dandelion.

Another bee on a dandelion.

As you can see I’ve mostly been photographing the bees! There are plenty of them about.

Bee hovering.

Close-up of a bee.

Another hovering bee.

A bee in the primroses.

On a dandelioin.

We’re at that point where the plants which flowered earlier on in the year are just about over and the spring flowers are just coming through. The tulips flowered just a couple of days later than last year.



Dandelion clock

The weather has been glorious, so it’s been nice to spend some time out in the garden. Lockdown would be so miserable if we had the rain we had back in February.

The view from the back garden.
The view from the back garden.


Have you been out in your garden?


  1. Jo says:

    We’re so lucky to have our gardens, I do feel for those facing lockdown without any outdoor space to enjoy, especially in this good weather we’re having.

  2. Kelly says:

    You capture some spectacular insect photos! I love seeing all your bees. Is the second one down and honeybee as opposed to a bumblebee? Though we have hives, I see far more bumbles out and about in my yard.

    I’m blessed to have a wonderful place to walk outside and take in all the delights.

  3. Hi Nikki,

    It has certainly been a couple of glorious weeks weather wise, hasn’t it? At least it has made lockdown a little more bearable, although I feel genuinely sorry for those folks with no protected outdoor space, especially if they have children.

    We managed to get a few garden supplies delivered before lockdown started, so have managed to remodel a couple of our flower beds and get them replanted, although mostly with shrubs which are not yet flowering.

    We have noticed an abnormally early onslaught of bees this year, in fact there were well over 50 hanging around one of our ponds the other day. Unfortunately we already also have wasps appearing, which is much too early in the season, so I hope that is not a bad sign for the summer.

    Hubbie has managed to get some good shots of several butterflies which seem to be enjoying the pond life too and now all the birds are nesting in the trees which back onto the property, so we have a proper little wildlife haven going on that we may not have noticed if we had both been out at work!

    You have some amazing shots in your post and I just can’t pick a favourite, although if you forced my hand, I would have to declare picture #2 the winner!

    I hope that you are all keeping well and have a good weekend, whatever one of those is 🙂


  4. Kris P says:

    I love the long view from your back garden, Nikki! Your photos of fuzzy, happy bees are great too. We’ve jumped from spring abruptly into summer during the past few days. I’m hoping the current blast of heat (94F/37C at 5pm today) is an anomaly but I fear this summer is going to be a bear for more than one reason.

  5. Anca says:

    Gorgeous pictures. With so many wonderful things to admire in your garden, it’s not hard to spend a long time outside, while staying safe too.

  6. jeanie says:

    Oh Nikki, the details on those bees! Wow — I’m so impressed not only with the quality and clarity of these images but boy, what beautiful color in your garden! We are waiting with baited breath.

    Thanks so much for stopping by Marmelade Gypsy the other day. It’s always such a delight to see you!

  7. Cheryl Churm says:

    Lovely photos in your garden 🙂

    I am missing my local walks because there are so many more people walking them them that there were a couple of months ago. That in itself would not be a problem but the ‘new walkers’ don’t get the point of social distancing.

    So for now, if I choose to go out walking I feel uncomfortable which spoils the pleasure of walking to my local pools and woods.

  8. lisl says:

    I am impressed with your bee pictures – they are not easy to catch so well, as they are so busy and on the move. And what a view from your back garden! I am sure all this must help to make lock-down more bearable. I too have a garden and some lovely places to walk, so count myself fortunate

  9. Nikki, I certainly have been out enjoying the sunshine in the garden – Eating my lunch, reading and even sun bathing out there, but sadly I am not a gardener. However I have been keeping our bird’s feeders well stocked and it has been lovely to see our robin and a pair of goldfinches return, as well as plenty of sparrows, blackbirds and starlings. Also I love your bumblebee photographs – We have had a fair few of them about to, but I can’t photograph them for toffee!

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