Gardenwatch: Dahlias, Bees and Butterflies

Gardenwatch: Dahlias, Bees and Butterflies

While the rest of Europe basks in the heat, the population of Wales and the rest of the UK is currently sighing at the rather wet and windy weather we’ve been having these past couple of weeks. It looks like this dreary weather is here to stay for the rest of the month too.

A red & white dahlia.

A pink dahlia.

A yellow dahlia.

Another yellow dahlia.

Every time I go into the back garden, yet another dahlia will have flowered (I may have purchased a few more tubers this spring!). They’re popping up all over the place. You’ll have to forgive me though as I’m awful at remembering their different names!

A pink dahlia.

A bee in a purple plant.

A two-tone pink dahlia.
A two-tone pink dahlia.

A bright pink dahlia with dark leaves.

Thankfully the wind hasn’t bashed about the dahlias too much, although some insects have been munching on a few of them.

A bee on a yellow dahlia.

A peachy coloured dahlia.

A peachy coloured dahlia.

A pink dahlia.
A pink dahlia.

The wind has made it a little difficult for the butterflies resting on various plants as they try to keep their balance. It also makes it a little bit difficult when I’m trying to photograph them!

A butterfly on a yellow plant.

A butterfly on a yellow plant.

A butterfly on a coneflower.

A butterfly on a yellow plant.

I’m trying to capture a few videos whilst in the garden too. I’ll try to remember to post some of them here, but, if you’re interested, you can follow me on Instagram or Tiktok to see them as and when they’re posted.

I’ve set up the wildlife camera to watch the hedgehogs again. Although the blackbirds seem to be making an appearance on it during the daytime! I can only see one hedgehog so far this year, but this afternoon I moved the camera to a different position to see if they are elsewhere in the garden.

How is your garden doing?


  1. Kelly says:

    I’ve never grown Dahlias, but I think they’re beautiful. You have some stunning photos here!!

    My moonflowers are just about ready to start blooming, but I think our tomato plants are about done for the season. We’ve been super hot.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …Nikki, you have a lovely collection here. I’ve never seen a hedgehog and this year I’m seeing very few butterflies. Thanks for sharing yours!

  3. Kris P says:

    The ground may be soggy, Nikki, but your dahlias are glorious! I planted my tubers late and I’ve yet to find buds yet but the plants are coming along so I trust I’ll have flowers eventually. I love the hedgehog video.

    • Nikki says:

      The dahlias usually flower all summer and into the autumn. I’m sure yours will be flowering soon. Once they start they don’t seem to take long to flower.

  4. Astrid says:

    That little hedgehog stole my heart. Brilliant how you were able to get him “on camera”. What a delightful dahlias you have. I never had dahlias in the garden. We did not have the right soil. But I surely can enjoys yours. Nice videos with this post.

    • Nikki says:

      I’ve got a solar powered nature camera which I can position pretty much wherever I need to in the garden. I got it last year and it has provided plenty of entertainment. My dahlias are in raised beds and pots as our ground soil isn’t great either.

  5. lisl says:

    Our garden flowers will last much longer in this cool weather, and it is good to see the cool dark earth rather than the parched gardens we had earlier in the year. Your flowers and insects are shining through regardless, Nikki

  6. Ginnie Hart says:

    You’ve made this such a delightful post, Nikki, both in still shots as well as videos. That bird flipping the leaves around took the prize for me. It was like she was looking for something and with every leaf turned got more and more frustrated or disgusted: “WHERE IS IT????” HAHAHA.

  7. Wow, Nikki, your dahlias are beautiful – none of mine are flowering yet, although I do have a few buds. I think we need some more sunshine to encourage them out. Great that you have a hedgehog too, so lovely to be able to watch back the footage!

    • Nikki says:

      Thank you! I’m sure your dahlias will flower soon. It doesn’t seem to take long once the buds are through. We had 4 or 5 hedgehogs in the garden last year, but I’ve only seen the one so far this year.

  8. Catherine says:

    Oh, your dahlias are lovely! Right now I have very little in bloom…I’m waiting and watching! Your wildlife videos made me smile – how cute that you have a hedgehog – they don’t visit my garden, perhaps it’s time for me to do more to encourage them.

    • Nikki says:

      I didn’t realise we had hedgehogs in the garden until I saw one under the bird table last year. I got the camera so I could check up on them and it turned out there were 4 or 5! I’ve only caught sight of the one hedgehog so far this year though.

  9. Yvonne (@Fiction_Books) says:

    I don’t mind the slightly cooler weather, much more bearable than the intense heat our European and US friends are enduring right now, I couldn’t stand it!

    However, the strong winds which seem to come hand in hand with cool days, are not so good as they have all but destroyed our beautiful fuchsia pots and I spent most of yesterday sweeping up their poor broken heads!

    The hydrangea seems to be bearing up well though and enjoying the extra watering from the torrential downpours. We have never tried growing dahlias, but they are such amazing flowers and offer a stunning display. Hubby retires next year, so maybe that’s a project for then, as we have an area of the garden which is about to become vacant.

    Great pictures 🙂

    • Nikki says:

      Do you dig the tubers up for the winter? Dahlias can take a bit of work but I think it’s worth it. I think I loose a few every year, but it’s hard to tell as I often but new ones when I spot them.

  10. Marty says:

    I’m so glad that the hot and humid isn’t happening in your neck of the woods. The Dahlias are the star of this post — they are stunning! But runner up award goes to the hedgehog. 🙂

  11. Just catching up with you after a rather tiring few weeks. Your dahlias are gorgeous and you have some lovely photos here. I didn’t know you are on I/G so I’ve just had a look at your page and am now following you.

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