Manchester Cathedral is much more than just its colourful, arty stained-glass windows. 2021 marked the 600th anniversary of the Royal Charter to establish the Collegiate Church of St Mary, St Denys and St George – Manchester Cathedral.

It has suffered greatly during its centuries beside the rivers Irk and Irwell… Edward VI confiscated all the church plate in 1550, the church was ransacked during the Civil War nearly 100 years later, German bombing destroyed much of the north-east side of the cathedral and damaged the rest extensively in December 1940, and in June 1996 an IRA bomb exploded nearby causing damage. Nevertheless, Manchester Cathedral still stands and thrives.

At the time of my visit in November last year, the cathedral was home to the Centenary Exhibition of the British Society of Master Glass Painters. I got to see a great collection of wonderful yet small stained-glass art.

Upon one wall is a plaque dedicated to the poor young children of Robert Lever and his wife. In twelve years they lost six children, three of which died in August 1647. The youngest child was just days old and the eldest was only 7 years of age. I can’t imagine how harrowing it was for Robert and his wife to lose all of those children.

There is so much history in this building and it is a must-see for any visitor to Manchester. I’m always amazed at the architecture and woodwork within churches and cathedrals. You never know what you might see.
This is all so wonderful! You were fortunate to visit while that stained glass exhibit was there. What are the angel wings made from?
I think they were made from clay. I didn’t touch them in case they all came crashing down!
…they sure knew how to build things back then!
Beautiful post and great photography! Cheers…
Thank you!
The cathedral is very beautiful and your photos are stunning. Well done and thanks for sharing.
The Lever plaque is very sad. I know names got recycled but usually when I’ve seen it, just once. Here there are three Roberts!
Yes, I thought that too!
amazing photos of this beautiful church
It’s a spectacular space, Nikki. I’m amazed you were able to photograph so many areas without gobs of tourists and visitors getting in the way.
The trick is to get there early on in the day before the crowds start.
We are lucky enough to have several Cathedrals and Abbeys down in this part of the country, however, the one we visit most often and is by default ‘local’ to us, is Salisbury, which is smaller in overall scale than Manchester, but every bit as beautiful.
They have housed a similar exhibition of small stained glass art, which was indeed, amazing. I do love the angel wings exhibit though, and like Kelly, am interested if you know what they were made from.
Because of Covid, the one thing which has yet to be rescheduled is Salisbury’s flower festival, which I hope will return this year and is definitely something to see.
I could never take good enough pictures which would do it justice though – Yours are amazing! 🙂
I visited Salisbury a few years back and very much so enjoyed my visit. I think the angel wings were made from clay (I may be wrong though!).
Whenever possible, Nikki, I visit churches/cathedrals like this, great and small, especially in England when we visit friends. My dad was a small-church preacher in Michigan and my mother was the choir director and organist. So you can imagine how much I think of them when I visit such a church, always first finding the pulpit and then the organ. Your images show so much of what’s there to see!
Next time you’re over, pop over the border into Wales, we have some beautiful little churches.
Thank you again for introducing me to this Cathedral, Nikki. As well as the glass, it looks a very colourful building
What a stunning cathedral! Wonderful photos and write-up too. Looks like a fun place to explore and shoot for sure.
I never knew Manchester had such a stunning cathedral! Fantastic photos, Nikki! xxx
For all that church has been through over the years, she still looks great.
Wow, beautiful capture! I especially love the angel wings. Thanks for sharing, I’d love to visit one day!
Excellent photographs. I particularly liked the shot of the fine organ pipes.
Wonderful photos, Nikki. You’ve captured the atmosphere so well!
Thank you!
Every part of this building is a piece of artwork!
Isn’t it just?!
I love visiting old churches and cathedrals in Europe and the UK! So much history – you can almost feel the souls of those that have worshipped there.
Gorgeous pictures. The cathedral looks wonderful. I will make sure to visit it in the next couple of months.
Absolutely stunning images, and can you imagine constructing something like that now? Very unlikely. I do miss visiting historical places such as these. However, I enjoyed my armchair travel with my shot of coffee.
Thank you! I think Liverpool Cathedral is the most modern yet historical looking cathedral I can think of.
It is lovely to inside this Cathedral, it is one I have not managed to visit yet.
More wonderful photos of Manchester Cathedral. All those hours of dedicated and talented craft people to create this wonderful building.
I do like the stained glass exhibition you were able to see on your visit, that must have been a real treat.
What a wonderful, well-kept place. In spite of all the challenges it’s faced, I’m really impressed by how nice it is. A very beautiful looking nave.
600 years WOW. And indeed it really survived A LOT. How wonderful to get to see this in person.
Allie of
Thanks for taking me with you to that magnificent cathedral!