Gardenwatch: September

Gardenwatch: September

Typical weather has returned to Mid Wales with cooler temperatures, wind, rain, sun and the occasional all-four-seasons-in-one-day kind of weather. Autumn is fast approaching, but the garden is nevertheless in full bloom. The ground is still dry and the water levels are still low though due to a summer of drought conditions.

A butterfly resting on a yellow dahlia.

A bee.

A butterfly on an Echinacea coneflower.

A butterfly on Borage.

A butterfly on Borage.

I love watching the bees and the butterflies in the garden. The yellow flowers seem to be their favourite this year. Iโ€™ve also noticed the bees cuddling up in theย petals of the dahlias at dusk and on early mornings, even in the rain.

A bee on a red dahlia.

Three bees on a yellow dahlia.

A yellow dahlia.

A butterfly on a yellow dahlia and a bee in flight.

A butterfly on a yellow dahlia alongside a purple dahlia.

A bee on a lilac flower.

The bees can get quite territorial about the dahlias. A butterfly will settle on a dahlia only for a bee or two to come along and buzz about it until it moves. The butterfly will then move to another flower only for the same thing to happen. I once saw one butterfly fight back and sit on top of the bee on the flower!

A butterfly and a bee on a dahlia, with another bee in flight.

A butterfly and a bee resting on a yellow dahlia.

A butterfly on a yellow dahlia.

A bee and a butterfly on a yellow dahlia.

A butterfly looking directly at the viewer while sat on a yellow dahlia.

The hedgehogs are still visiting at night, and we have a new daytime visitor – an inquisitive, young black & white cat. Heโ€™s been visiting the garden for a week now.

A young black and white cat visiting the garden.

I wonder what October will bring.


  1. Kris P says:

    Great photos, Nikki! I particularly liked those showing the butterfly-bee dynamic. Handsome cat too. No hedgehogs here, although the raccoons are creating a ruckus – they left my garden in relative peace for a stretch this summer but they’re back and up to no good once again.

  2. We managed to grab a day and one night away in September, when we joined friends staying near The Mumbles. We spent a lovely afternoon at the National Gardens of Wales. It was so lovely to see so many butterflies and insects all enjoying the last of the late summer warmth.

    Fantastic pictures, as always! No favourites, as all nature and wildlife is amazing to me ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Kelly says:

    You take the best insect photos! I especially like the flower with both the bee and butterfly visiting! Speaking of insects…. I have your last letter on the ottoman in front of me (it has stamps on it with beetles) reminding me I need to write you. I’ve gone so far as to set out a card with a beetle on it along with an envelope. I’ll make a point of getting it done this week.

    Very pretty kitty!

  4. Jodie says:

    Really beautiful photos! I loved how youโ€™ve caught the beauty of the flower and the butterfly and bees! That kitty is also very sweet! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Loving these last glimpses of summer. Those poor hedgehogs though, given that its not un-heard of them to have a second litter mid August – mid September, I wonder how many will survive hibernation given that within a few weeks we seem to have gone from summer to autumn by-passing autumn … Can you believe that we actually had snow here in the NE of England yesterday?

  6. That’s so funny about the butterfly fighting back – good for her! Glad to see so many beautiful flowers still blooming in your garden, Nikki, and your feline visitor is adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

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