Water: Infused!

Water: Infused!

I’ve been taking a bottle of water with me to work for a long time, but plain old water sometimes gets just a bit boring and tasteless. I don’t drink tea or coffee, I couldn’t settle on a squash and fizzy drinks aren’t good, so when I spotted the Fruit Infuser Water Bottle I had to give it a go.

The Fruit Infuser Water Bottle is essentially just a water bottle with a cage inside to hold fruit. Choose some fresh fruit to put inside, fill it with water and off you go. It really is as simple as that!

Fruit Infuser Water BottleThe lid of the water bottle is opened by pressing a button, but it also has a stainless steel flip lock which prevents the lid accidently opening. I must admit I didn’t notice the flip lock at first and spent ages pressing the button and cursing that it wouldn’t open. I was almost convinced the water bottle was faulty, then I spotted the flip lock, flipped it and the lid opened upon pressing the button. Oops!

There’s a large hole for drinking from, so there’s no struggling to suck the water out of the bottle.

The cage inside can be removed, so it can be used as a plain old water bottle, but where’s the fun in that? Fill it with fruit!

My first thought was that I’d like to try lime infused water. It was a bit of a mistake, to be honest. My first taste was fine, but the second mouthful tasted bitter and I couldn’t drink any more of it.

Next up, strawberry and peach infused water. So refreshing!

I chop up the fruit, put it in the bottle along with the water (filtered, from the refrigerator) and by the time I get to work (a half hour drive), the water is already infused and tastes great.

Having run out of peaches today, I tried orange and strawberry. It’s not quite as nice as strawberry and peach, but it’s still a nice taste.

In a week, I’ve gone from drinking just half of the water (the bottle has a 32oz volume) to drinking the whole bottleful and I feel better for it already. I usually start feeling tired as the afternoon goes on, but drinking this much water is certainly having a positive effect on my energy levels.

Even my work colleagues have been commenting on my fruit infuser water bottle and asking about it. So I expect to see one or two more of them popping up in the office.

When the weather gets hotter, I might just pop and ice cube or two in with the fruit.


Have you tried fruit infused water? Would you give it a go? What fruit would you like to try in it?


  1. Hi Nikki,

    This looks like a great gadget, although I wonder if you find that the water is infusing evenly, or if the further down the bottle you go, the more concentrated the flavour becomes?

    I must admit that I drink far too much black coffee at work, although in mitigation, I never get to finish a mug before it goes stone cold and I can’t drink it, so my intake could really be measured by half mugs. When I am at home, I tend to drink water or fruit / herbal teas.

    Like most people though, I’m certain my liquid intake and water intake in particular, is far below what it should be.

    “When the weather gets hotter …” Now you really are living in a fantasy world 🙂


  2. Kelly says:

    That’s an interesting bottle! I’m a regular water drinker and carry it with me wherever I go. ( I go through at least 80 oz. a day!) While I use to sometimes add fresh lemon, I’ve never thought of flavoring it with any other type of fruit. I’d certainly give it a try if I had one of these!

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