I travel on trains fairly regularly and some of the things you hear can be somewhat eyebrow raising…
Conversation between a Mum & her kids on the train…
Kids: What’s those, Mum? Are they horse jumps?
Mum: No, they’re solar panels.
Kids: What they do, Mum?
Mum: I don’t know!
Oh dear…
Sat opposite a teenage girl telling her male friend all about her cats… Which seem to be named Stinker, Smelly, Snotty.
Poor cats!
“We’re on the move, let’s go with the groove!”.
I love the train conductor who occasionally works on the Melton Mowbray to Birmingham train. He can put a smile on anyone’s face with his witty commentary.
Lady next to me: “I’m just going to have a quick fiddle.”
What funny things have you heard on public transport?
Ha ha – love these snippets of overheard conversation…
I actually had the similar idea for a blog post for awhile, but I had an idea about conversations I heard on bus, haha 🙂 It’s amazing how ridiculous can people sometimes be! x
-Leta | The Nerdy Me
Ha ha. It’s so funny what you hear when eavesdropping sometimes.
I don’t live in an area that has any kind of mass transit, so I don’t get the opportunity to enjoy zingers like these. Love them! (and seriously? she didn’t know what a solar panel was for??) People watch (and eavesdropping) can be so entertaining. One of my favorite parts about air travel.
Hi Nikki,
I can’t remember the last time I used public transport, all I know is that there were conductors on the buses and a ticket office at the railway station 🙂
When travelling by air, I tend to try and sleep for most of the journey, so listening in to other people’s conversations doesn’t really happen.
Working in the retail space though, inadvertatly eavesdropping on people’s conversations, is something of a hazard of the trade and can be quite entertaining. What really infuriates me, is when a customer is wandering around the shop talking into their mobile device, completely oblivious to anyone else around them … I wonder if this annoys me for that reason really, or if I am wondering more about what the person on the other end of the phone is saying 🙂
Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week.
I confess to sometimes being stumped by my kid’s questions. But that one doesn’t seem so tough!!
Yeah, amazing the conversations you overhear but then given the volume at which some of them are carried out (especially by people on mobile phones) you can’t NOT overhear.