Snow Days

Snow Days

It started snowing on Friday and stopped sometime early yesterday morning (Monday), so it’s pretty much a winter wonderland around here. Well, that is until you need to go anywhere, then it’s just a winter nightmare! We get snow so infrequently that the UK is ill prepared for it. A foot of snow and slush has now frozen as temperatures dropped to minus double figures this morning.

Snow in Mid Wales
Snow in Mid Wales

Yesterday afternoon, I ventured out to take some photos and pop to the village shop to post letters. The snow reached up to the top of my snow boots in places, so it wasn’t easy going in the deep snow. It was slippery too. Shortly before I took this photo I did an excellent impression of Bambi as my feet threatened to go from underneath me. Thankfully, I managed to stay upright!

In other news, I am so behind with Christmas! A small handful of cards have been sent out, with others yet to be done (I’m making my own this year, but at this rate I might have to buy a few!). I’ve only bought one present so far, yet in a fortnight it’ll all be over and we’ll be sat here still full of festive food and a bit tipsy! I’d best get a move on…….


  1. Kelly says:

    To not get it often, you certainly got more than your share this time!! A foot of snow is incredible! We rarely even get a dusting

    You had me laughing out loud at your Bambi impression comment. 😀

  2. Lady Fi says:

    Lovely snow picture! That is a lot of snow for the UK though, especially since almost no one has winter tyres or chains or even boots with good grip on the ice. I wear special studs on my shoes (that you can slip on and off).

  3. Barbara says:

    Hi Nikki, I love your snow pics! We’ve had none in Somerset just very cold and icy. I just read Lady Fi’s comment and she is so right – we are ill prepared for even a sprinkling of snow although I have bought some stud things to go on my shoes – I’ve not tried them yet but they look quite impressive! 🙂

  4. Anca says:

    It looks amazing. I love snow as I use to have snow each year as a child. After moving to UK, snow was one of the things I missed (not the cold though, so I don’t complain too much).

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